If you would like to donate to our cause, any contribution is greatly appreciated. You can choose to donate to a particular dog - just state that in the form below.
Our Charity Fundraising Number is: CFN/22461 which authorises us to accept donations, and acknowledges our status as a charity. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
If you would like to donate any food, wormers or goods (eg: collars, leads, shampoos, items for raffles etc) please contact us through the General Enquiry Page.
Our Charity Fundraising Number is: CFN/22461 which authorises us to accept donations, and acknowledges our status as a charity. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
If you would like to donate any food, wormers or goods (eg: collars, leads, shampoos, items for raffles etc) please contact us through the General Enquiry Page.
If you would like to donate to our rescue account via EFT or at a branch, the details are as follows:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Dogue de Bordeaux Rescue
BSB: 062016
Account No: 11018470
Reference: Please use your name.
For those outside Australia, please contact us via the General Enquiry page for information on how to donate.
PAYPAL - you can also donate via PayPal: [email protected] or click the logo below
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Dogue de Bordeaux Rescue
BSB: 062016
Account No: 11018470
Reference: Please use your name.
For those outside Australia, please contact us via the General Enquiry page for information on how to donate.
PAYPAL - you can also donate via PayPal: [email protected] or click the logo below
From the 2018, we moved to not sending receipts unless specifically asked for by donators. The ATO does not require us to provide receipts, and allows you to maintain your own records when donating to charities.
HOWEVER, we do appreciate that some people prefer to receive receipts, particularly if donating from business accounts. If you would like a receipt emailed or posted to you, please fill out the form below and we will send you a receipt.
From the 2018, we moved to not sending receipts unless specifically asked for by donators. The ATO does not require us to provide receipts, and allows you to maintain your own records when donating to charities.
HOWEVER, we do appreciate that some people prefer to receive receipts, particularly if donating from business accounts. If you would like a receipt emailed or posted to you, please fill out the form below and we will send you a receipt.